The Name On Your Wrist - Helen Hiorns



In Corin's world, your carpinomen - the name of your soul mate, marked indelibly on your wrist from the age of two or three - is everything. It's your most preciously guarded secret; a piece of knowledge that can give another person ultimate power over you. People spend years, even decades, searching for the one they're supposed to be with.

But what if you never find that person? Or you do, but you just don't love them? What if you fall for someone else - someone other than the name on your wrist?

And what if - like Corin - the last thing in the world you want is to be found?

It was OK... but not one of my favourites.
The idea was good. A world where your "true loves" name is tattooed on your wrist, but only you are allowed to see it. I'd almost find it hard to believe that they're all scared of seeing each other’s wrists, but then I remember that in our society men can go shirtless and women can't... a wrist-phobia epidemic isn't that unconvincing tbh.
It was Corin that had me unconvinced. At the start she seemed quirky, cynical, and different. But at some point in the book she just became whiny and annoying. My respect for her quickly became hate. By the end, I'd given up on Corin altogether.
Not gonna lie, the only reason I stuck with this book was A) Because of the guy (I liked him, hehe) and B) Because I wanted to know whose bloody name was on her wrist. OMG, Coring, SHOW ME YOUR WRIST.
There weren't many plot twists (except maybe for her sister, who was kind of a reverse of Corin: i.e. I disliked her and then grew to respect her).
So, overall: it didn't live up to the huge excitement I had, but it wasn't terrible. I'm not sure if this is a standalone, but the ending does imply that there MAY be a sequel. Unless it was some Black Mirror "moral of the story" stuff.
But if there is a sequel, I'd buy it. Probably. Maybe. I'll read the blurb first. I'm definitely interested to find out more about Z(NOPE NOT TELLING, READ THE BOOK.)

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